Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chandler James

I haven't written in so long and I believe it was partly because I was overwhelmed with what to write for Chandler's 12th birthday! I don't have any of his baby pictures scanned, however he is the only child of mine that has an actual baby book!
Chandler is truly an amazing boy. He is funny, likable, and very creative! Although at times he can be challenging, we could never do without him!
This year, on his 12th birthday, he was ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood. He now serves the sacrament at church and is growing in faith. I am so pleased that he seems to grasp the importance of this and takes it seriously. I feel that Chandler is a very strong soul and is capable of doing a lot of good! I can only hope that I'm a good enough parent to harness and direct him in the best way.
We love you Chandler!

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